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My obsession of making dairy ice cream continues, there is something in mixing some coconut cream with different combos in the ice cream maker that is incredibly satisfying.
JUST LIKE the mixing emotion of crying and blushing at the same time whenever I saw HER <3
            SHE <3 AISHA <3
I WAS crying that day badly like a super child who just lost his first battle in the pokemon cable connection. It was my starting life of maturity when I lost my mother because of cancer. She fight a lot to be with me with cancer but all you know cancer wasn't my mom's son who how it can understand my love for her and her love for me.
         After losing her I was just like the lost child the jungle who was just trying to to learn animals lanuage. when I first saw her running behind a puppy and shouting "Hello !someone please catch this puppy and I'll kiss him"
Then suddenly puppy came to my feet and start rolling there I was reading the something exactly don't remember the name of the book because after seeing her I forgot everything for a while. From that fine moment I just remember that girl with wavey hair wavering with the flow of wind like Waverly.
              Then she came to me and said "Hello?? Mr??"
Mr. Amaan" - I said
Mr. Amaan I want my puppy back"
"Go for it but he just love my feet more thn you so you should hire me for catching your puppy every time he want a break from your so catchy love." - I picked her puppy and gave her
"you're are hired thn" - she kissed my chick suddenly and it was intentional
Why kiss" - I was surprised "is this your style of hiring someone for a job??? Thn you should not go for a manager at any company."
"ummm... No no it was promised ! don't u remember that I was shouting if someone will catch my puppy I'll kiss him"
i laughed out loud - " hahaha so from now This kiss will be for me Because now I'm hired for catching your puppy"
After that incident we build up a strong relationship after lots of meeting and after having lots of kisses for catching her puppy
                            LAST DAY
I was sitting at the park bench thinking of being with her all the time ,having lots of care from her after my mother,kisses of her beautiful lips. But crying ... Ummmmm.. I'll tell you the reason in the end.
There she is still beautiful as before, still having the same wavey hair wavering like wave of the ocean.
As soon as she reached to me I start having blush on my face idk why but I was blushing JUST LIKE mixing coconut cream with different combos <3
        As soon as she came to me I hold her hand pulll her behind the tree situated in the park and hugged her like the very last time and she just hold me like first child of her <3
"why are you crying Mr. Amaan???"
"Dad just refused you of being my wife" I start crying more badly
"what he said??"
"He said the your true love will leave you like your mother did to me, I don't understand his concept babu but I just don't wanna leave you at any condition"
"sssshhh Mr. AMAAN ,we are at public place"
"ok thn lets go to room"
"ohkkkk <3"
As I planned before we are in the room and I just start kissing her like she is that ice cream which I mixed before from coconut cream and different  combos <3
Then in between that kiss I hold my pistol up and placed behind on her mind so one bullet can shoot both at the same time and "BOOOOOOOOMMMMM TOTAL SILENCE"


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