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*Single 🙌*
I was happy with my single life but than she happened. Actually I also was happy after meeting her but somehow we ended up and turned our love into the breakup. That breakup was enough to put anyone in depression. But I still remember her and I hope She still remember me because I was not that bad in our relationship season.
I still remember the evening when I was at a restaurant having party with my friend and suddenly a girl came and slapped me.
I was like WTF , who the hell is she and why she slapped me. And look her guts she was going back after slapping me just like she wins an achievement. I hold her wrist and asked "Why the hell you slapped me ?"
"My friend asked me to do that. It was a challenge to slap you in front of all your friends" and she leave after giving me the small explanation of putting me down in front of my and her friend. I was sitting like what the hell I did in my last birth so I'm having issue like this in my life.
Than the laughing begin , my all Friends were laughing at me, I wasn't sad because they all are laughing afterall friends are made for this day so they can laugh at you in any hard situation, you just can't face.
My mind was planning something and I straightly go to that girl , hold her waist and her hair too , push her down and kissed her with the same passsion she slapped me couple of minutes ago.
Now she was in the same situation as I was. She asked me that same question and I gave her the same answer "My friends asked me to do that. It was a challenge to kiss you in front of all your friends. "
Thn I came back into my gang and start having fun and somewhere in my heart I was feeling anger and sadness at the same time. Anger for being slapped by any stranger girl and sadness for kissing the same stranger girl"
Party was over but I decide to sit down at the restaurant so I told all my friends to go without me because I wasn't in the mood to go home.
I order a coffee and was looking for someone to call in my mobile. Then again she came.
"May I sit here?" she asked me.
I was surprised and scared what if she'll slap me again.
"Yes , you can , it's not my restaurant by the way, And If It was mine and I'll never allow the girl like you to enter in my restaurant" I taunt at her.
"What do you mean by the girl like me , am I having bigger teeth or nails, Am I look alike a monster?? I mean what do you mean by that? - She was angry and shout at me.
"By mean the girl like you who can slap anyone without thinking how he'll feel after it" I again taunt at her.
"And what you did there? is that your way to respect any girl's feeling in public place" She wanted to put all the anger in that argument.
"I'm sorry for that , I didn't want to do that , but it was for the sake of my image Infront of my friends" I feel sorry for the kiss.
"I'm sorry too , I shouldn't have done that " She feel the same way for slapping me.
"Btw I'm AMAAN and You"
"I'm Ronika "
"Where is your V" I said it with sarcasm.
"Excuse me ?" she didn't understand that.
"Actually I hv met the girl have name VRonika " 😂 So i asked.
"be my V thn , and turn it into VRonika"
"Are you proposing me ? " I rise my eyebrows.
"Of course I'm , I don't want to lose the guy who hv guts like that , but if you try to do that again with other girl I'll definitely kill you in so many parts so You can't find the V in that" she hold the knife that was placed into the table.
"How can I find the V in my parts when you have it" I laughed.
she blushed and slap me again.
"Shut up"
I was thinking If I will go into a relationship with her she will kill me by slapping all day. But for the beast like her I'm ready to take risk my chick turns into red , doesn't matter it will turn into red with blush or with slap. I stand up and kissed her again.  Perfect ❤

*Relationship 😍*
One day we were sitting together actually were playing a video game. Haha lucky me who had a girlfriend like her who play the video game.
Door bell rings*
"open the door?" she asked me because  I was on the lead in game so that she'll get a Chance to leave me behind.
"I'm not stupid to leave my game for you , it's not your chance to win in this game " I pushed her from the sofa and laughed.
she get up and slap me and kissed me so passionately so  I had to leave my game controller and hold her. We were kissing like we met here after so many years. Actually We used to kiss each other with same passion doesn't matter how many times we kiss.
We actually forget that someone is still on the door.  So I decide to go to open the door. As I wished that whoever is on the door please leave us alone at this time when we're in the perfect mood to eat each other. And actually there was no one. Of course why anyone would wait for 15 minutes to open the fucking door.
Ronika came at the door and searching that who was on the door.
"He is gone , just like all other cuz we start kissing each other every time the door bell rings. it's too perfct for us but for others its irritation." Again I hold her and start kissing by pushing her on the door and thn closed it.

*Her birthday*
It was her birthday, the most beautiful day of her life and the most beautiful day for her mother too so I decide to make that day more special.
It's At 8 AM and I still didn't wish her , of course she was angry but she was to good at pretending that she don't hv anger issues with her. So she try to wake me up.
"wake up AMAAN" don't you care of anything, I hv to go to meet my mother , remember you promised me that you'll go with me to meet her too" I was trying not to get me up for the meeting with her mother and I refused.
"I'm not in the mood baby, you should go alone ,i want to sleep , i have been working for all night on my laptop so my neck and back both are paining. I want some rest" I pulled the blanket and slept actually I was pretending too because I want to give her surprise.
She left my blanket and get ready to go.

"I'm going AMAAN , I'll come in the night, you should really get up and eat something babu. You're sleeping and it's 2PM now. " She wanted to be more sure if I still remember something.
"I'll eat baby , you should go now or you'll be late to meet your mother" I ordered her from the bed.
"Ohk I'm going " And thn she left and closed the door just like the door did the mistake of forgetting her birthday.

Thn I get up , pick my mobile up and Call her friend " Listen , she is on the way to meet her mother but you hv to stop her and please be with her all the time till I message you." Yes it was a part of plan. Her friend said yes and disconnect the phone.
Now I hv to get up and really hv to make the surprise happen and look at my messy falt. Ugghhhh Ronika didn't do anything this morning , she was angry and every thing is messed up.

I messaged her friend to come with her at our flat.
So as she come , her friend pushed her to the door and when she open the door and birthday tune start ringing with blue and red light featuring the tune. She was like "Awwwwwww" and as she step in into the flat, the tune get higher. When she came into the hall everyone start singing "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU" .
She was more amazed by that and start searching for me , I was standing at my bedroom's door. And was smiling like an idiot.
She came to me and slap me and hugged me so tightly. The tears start rolling from her eyes , the tear of happiness but I had one more surprise for her so I open the door and there was her mother standing inside the room. She was more happy now , she leave me and hugged her mother so tightly. As I was about to leave the room she hold my hand and ask me to stay there while she was in her mother's arms. She asked it with her eyes. So I stay there. ❤
Perfect nah?? Now wait for the worst part of it. You will wish that we never meet.

*Breakup 😔*
We were having an argument about the same reason every couple have. Her priorities. I wanted the time for me but she had her priorities above me like her friends, work. We were having the long term relationship so it's so obvious but I wasn't in the situation to tolerate it . I Just lost my job from a fucking reason cuz she asked to do so. She wanted my time so I left the job for saving our relationship but now She is working and ignoring me like what? Does she did it intentionally?? I didn't know the reason behind it.
Now a days it was so obvious to have argument on every little thing.
One day I was coming to the flat after a complete insulting rejection in a interview. When I was about to knock the door I hear something , sound of temptation like someone were having great time. I thought not to disturb them. I called Ronika to confirm that is there someone in our flat.
I called her but no response. Again I called her
"Hello" her voice was shaken.
"Where are you?" I asked her straightly.
"In our flat" she said it in very questionable tune.
And she lied because if she is in there thn who the hell is inside with her. Doesn't matter How many times We used to fight in a day but I didn't hv trust issues with her.
Than I cut the call and come back from the flat and sit on the corner side shop and order coffee & cigarette.
I want to know who's inside ? was Ronika cheating on me? I hadn't hv thought like this but that time my mind was refusing to trust on my love.
Thn her friend came from the flat straight to the shop and asked for a cigarette. I was in the other corner and I hide myself too so He didn't caught me and make his payment and left.
Now I was in the fucking mood and the mood went to its peak point. As If one second I sit there my mind will blow up. I went straight to the flat ,the door was open. I enter into the flat ,Ronika was in the shower.
"I'm home" I loud my voice and knocked the bathroom gate too.
"Welcome back baby, How was interview?" she asked me sweetly as she can.
"Just like your day "Fucked". I said it in anger.
"But my day was not fucked" she giggled.
"But you got" I whispered and Open the fridge to get some water.
She came out of the shower , she was looking stunning after so many months. I was feeling like I haven't seen her from while. She dressed up and sit beside me on the sofa.
"what happened baby" she asked it in very sweet voice.
"You say? what happened today? you better tell the truth"  she tried to hold my hand but I rejected.
"Nothing happened today , I was sleeping, I got up from your call" She was looking scared.
"That's not true" somewhere My mind wasn't believing her.
"It is." and she go to other side of bed and hand me the rent of the flat.
"From Where you get 25k when you're doing a job with 20k per Month. are they giving your extra incentive these days?" I asked her.
She said nothing and gave me the money and asked me to pay the rent of the house.
I was more sure now her Friend gave her the money but My heart wasn't agree to listen that she is cheating on me.
The very next day again I'm coming from a interview and this time I got the job. I was happy. So I didn't call her because I want to give her surprise. She just love the surprise.. Actually every girl does.
I came to the door , some noise are coming from the flat so listen -
"Did he accpt the money? " a male voice , I was trying to recognize the voice.
"Of course , He had to accept because he is jobless now and can't take a stand on his own" Female voice , it's Ronika.
"But you are reason behind his joblessness" Male voice laughed.
"HAHA  I don't want him to order me at any cost so I create a drama over his busy schedule and for me he left his job" Ronika Joined the laugh.
I was paralyzed. I wasn't able to move a bit.
"It's been 2 years we are together and because of him we have to meet like this"  male voice.
wait? what? and Ronika and me are together from one and half year.
Some how I managed to come back and Thn I go straight to shop and try to recognize the male voice. oHh wait ? He was her friend "Sharleen" But he is married. I know He have a name like ladies.
I decided to tell her wife about this. I want her to know that we both are in the same hell.
When I go to his place , her wife open the door and I straightly start talking about Ronika and Sharleen.
But there was something I didn't know , even I couldn't imagine it.
Her wife told me 'It was all a plan AMAAN , I wish you could find out sooner. Sharleen and me aren't a married couple. We made a contract just to make you fool. Because He have to hide his relationship with Ronika. And it was the plan of taking the revenge made by Ronika.
That day you kissed her at the restaurant. She decided to ruin our life to the fullest so you will not be able to live your happy life again"
She clarify it to me. I was haunted how could she?
Sharleen's wife hold my hand tightly and said that she likes me from the beginning.
I was in anger , So kissed her and that day I touched any other girl except Ronika. I fucked Sharleen's wife for a very obvious reason.

Thn I decide to go into my flat so I took Sharleen's wife with me. Now it's nothing left there to solve things out. I have to bear the pain , the pain of being used. I went to the flat and asked her to leave.
"I feel complete broken that time , my mind was choked with the thought of being used for this long. I won't be believe in love again. How can anyone use this much just for a mistake. Somehow I got the lesson for life of don't trust on anybody. I was numb. This was enough to put myself into a depression. All these years the memory of relationship haunted me. Sometimes still I use to wake up from sleep and cry to the fullest".


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