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                    Title - "JEALOUSY"

I was sitting in canteen at her college. My best friend "Sonal". Sometimes I used to call her "sona" but that was her nick name too. So I used to call her "Gold" instead of "sona" for teasing her.  But She never get offended about it not even a single time. And why she get offended afterall I was her friend, the only person she used to share everything. I knew that but she didn't knew that I knew. Do you know ? about what I'm talking to? you better understand the known character. 😂

So I was clicking selfies into my phone with her , we were eating burger and cold drink and that selfie season I floored the cold drink on her by mistake.
"AMAAN ! what is this? , it was my new dress and you spilt the cold drink on it " I shout on me.
I feel bad and take her to the washroom gate, "Go wash yourself" And back to our seat and again I was clicking selfies. I love to capture every moment in the Camera.
Some girls were sitting on the another table and they saw me clicking selfie. One of them said "who's he ? He doesn't seems from our college?"
Another one replied "He is Sonal's best friend, she is in the washroom. Remember Sonal, our senior. The girl with silly talks. Super exhausted every time anyone try to talk to her" I was listening.
Here we go , when Sonal came from the washroom one of them said " Sonal ma'am , you didn't introduced us to your best friend. Don't you want us to know your best friend"
Sonal was exhausted as they said every time anyone try to talk to her she get offended. She went straightly to that girl and said - "who you think you are? miss universe? so I hv to introduce every  person from my life. "
She was in anger like someone tried to eat her food. Just like all girls do that if anyone try to eat their food.  But somehow I managed and I went beside to that girl and Hold her hand "Hi I'm AMAAN" and taunt on Sonal "do you want to eat me alone?, I'm not just yours. Let her taste me too." and I kissed on that girl's hand in a very gentle way. She start blush but Sonal held my hand and Start walking from the canteen.
"Who was she? , she seems so much interested in me , her eyes were saying that perfectly"  I pinched at Sonal's arm.
"She is Ronika. Most popular and hated girl of our college , she is my Junior but her karma deformed her into along side with us, the seniors" Sonal explained it and I look back, Ronika was on the canteen gate waving hand and saying "Good bye" .
I was happy , and how anyone won't be ? if the most popular girl of the college gives you smile and single like that" .

Next day I got a text from unknown number.  Of course I was sure about it. It was Ronika.
"Hi Mr."
"Hi Miss?"
"you know me , right?"
"how do I know you?" I was smiling.
"Because We met on the other day at the canteen"
"But I only remember the girl who was waving hand at me, and I'm pretty sure you're not that person"
"What if I told you, I'm that person" She giggled.
"you're not , because if she ever met me she will jump into a relationship with me , afterall I'm not that bad at all" I want her to confess that she likes me.
"Why would she? she is the most popular girl of the college? why would she jump into a relationship with you? afterall she has some self respect too" we both laughed..

Suddenly Sonal came into my room.
"why are you smiling like you're in a relationship and talking to your beloved girlfriend." She throw the straight question on me.
"Because I'm arround to get in a relationship" I answered her.
"and who is that girl" She asked about the girl I was talking.
"If I tell you, you would definitely kill me and her too" somehow I control my emotions but she got the idea about that girl.
She hold my hand and said " Amaan , she is not good for you. You deserve a better girl. She just want money , nothing else. Believe me She is not good in character. "
"How do you know about her character" I asked her about Ronika.
"If a girl can fall for you just to make me feel jealous, what type of character do you accpt from her? , And by the way she had been arround 15 relationship before. And they were all rich." She try to explain. But somehow she don't want me to go into a relationship.
I got agree with her afterall She was my best friend. How can I refuse her. And she was the only female I used to talk. Actually I didn't even think expect her. Yea we were best friend but Somewhere we both knew that we are more thn that to each other.

One day I was in my office. Sonal came to meet me. We were talking, sitting into my cabin. Thn mu colleague come there , she was asking for help. She was stuck in a task. So I asked Sonal to excuse me. I had to go. I went to her table and was helping her. She was quite interested in me, I noticed that before. Sorry I forgot to tell you her name , her name was "Anamika".
Anamika - "Sir , why you don't talk to any female in this ofifce, you just talk about work all the time. Whenever someone try to talk in lunch time or in free time , you straightly ignore them. Is there any specific reason."
I was sitting next to her to I pulled her chair into my direction and said "I do Anamika. Didn't you see that girl sitting in my cabin. She is a female and my friend. So I do talk to female and I hv friends too." when I was saying that I was straightly looking into her eyes. For some moment we got stucked into each others eyes.
After some minutes of staring, she kissed me. She actually did that. I was surprised and happy at the same time. Because I was searching someone to be with me , I was searching for a girlfriend. I kissed her back. And we kissed for like 5 minute.
When we got seprate because we were in the office. But when I saw ,Sonal was standing there and watching her. I was feeling guilty that She saw me like that with another girl.
Sonal held my hand and slapped Anamika for kissing me. She was like "wtf , how can you slap me? , I was kissng him with his permission."
Sonal was so angry ,she slapped her again "You better shut you mouth now." thn she turned to me and shout " You hv to leave the office now, we're going ."
"But Sonal , I hv work to do. It's my office, I can't go whenever I want to. They have rules here."
"AMAAN , I'm saying you hv to leave so You better leave it now" she shout on me again.
Everyone was staring at me like I did a terrible mistake. That was my office so I didn't want to create more drama there. I went into my cabin ,took my laptop and bag and left the office with sonal.
We were going at my room. We were into auto, Sonal was trying to hold my hand but I refused.
After reaching at my room , I shout -" Ugghhhhh Sonal , what you did there? you slapped a girl for kissing me. You're not my girlfriend Sonal , you better behave like a friend."
She didn't said a word to me and start crying.
I couldn't see her crying , so I sit on the floor and hold her hand - "I know we're best Friend Sonal but You hv to understand that I need a girlfriend. Every time I try to like someone, you stopped me. Why you always do that." I asked her gently. But she loud her crying. I hold her face and tried to stop her tear. She hugged me so tightly and cried like a baby. I hold her just like that until she stop crying. I was holding her for like one hour. My hands were paining  - Sonal , leave me nah. My hands are paining now. But she didn't respond.
I pull her back , she was actually sleeping like a baby use to sleep after crying. So I put her on bed. And sit there with holding her hand.
I was thinking about her " I know she cares for me. But she is crossing her limit. If it'll continue in future I will hv to leave her. But I can't do that. She just have me as any person in her life. She don't hv friend because of her exhausted nature. I'm the only person in her life. She lost her mother and father years ago. And her family throw her away from her house. She has no one except me. I can't leave her. But she is making it more difficult to live with her." thn I slept there too on the couch.

*Another Day*
I was happy because I was at my home. And Sonal was there too.  My family knew about Sonal that she is my best friend. Mom told me that someone is coming today. Everyone was going crazy about that. I didn't even knew who wws coming. Nobody told me so. Mom told me to dress well ,now I understand why are everyone is going crazy. Someone is coming to meet me. They're planning my marriage. I asked to mom - Mom , is the girl also coming with her family? "
"Yes , she is. don't get too much excited after seeing her. She is beauty that's why we choose her to you. But we want to confirm from your side. and they want to see you too. Your pictures weren't enough for them." Mom smiled and go into the kitchen.
Finally they came. For the first time ,I was seeing the girl who's gonna be my wife soon if they'll all like me. She was stunning beauty. Her eyes were mixture of heaven and hell. You just wanna lost in her eyes. Big brown eyes. And the eye liner was making them more irresistible. I was just staring at eyes when I first saw her.
"Are you gonna stand there like an idiot? or you are going to talk to her?" My sister pinch me, and I woke up from the dream.
"Shut up" I was actually blushing.
Than I went towards her.
"Hi" I said gently.
"Hi" she roam her eyes on me. I wasn't look that bad. So she checked me out and smile.
"Your eyes are beautiful." I couldn't resist myself of praising her eyes. 
"Thank you, these gonna be your soon. I gonna be your soon. As you know we're here to fix engagement. My parents wants to know your decision over me. And now I'm pretty sure you're not gonna say "No" to them." She laughed.
I feel like somewhere she is obsessive about her beauty. I didn't like that part.
Than Sonal came , I introduced her to Sonal.
"This is Sonal , my best friend life. She is beautiful too and she isn't obsessive about it. " I throw the straight not liking comments about the obsession of her beauty. and she got that. She downs her eyes and was staring at the floor. 
Sonal said hi to her thn my mother called her from the kitchen so She had to go there. She said Hi and bye in a second. 😂

Now we're all sitting there and talking , my family and her family but Sonal wasn't there. Sonal was in my room. I thanked God she is not there because I didn't want any drama just like she did at my office.
But God refuse my prayer and puff "She was there." standing Right beside me. And she was rubbing my shoulder. I try to stop her. She got angry and went into room again. 
I was talking with the girl. Again she same and kiss me infront of all of my and her family. I was like wtf Sonal. You hv no idea what did you do here. I slapped her and hold her hand, went into my room. 
"Sonal are you mad? , do you have any idea what you did there., they are here to meet me , they are here to fix her daughter marriage. And what you did there wasn't acceptable at all." 
"But AMAAN, I don't want you to leave me." 
"But we're Friends Sonal , you and I don't have feelings more thn that. You have to understand that." 
"Why we can't  be more than that AMAAN"  she start shouting on me. 
She continues her shout " AMAAN don't you see, how much I care of you. don't you see the love in my eyes. " 
"But Sonal you care for me cuz we're friends, and every friends do that to another. we're more close thn anyone. but still we're friends" 
She wasn't listening at all, again she tried to kiss me, I resist her but somehow she got success and start kissing me. And I found that I was kissing her too. But as soon as I realise that , I throw myself back but again she throw herself on her and pushed me on the bed. And start seducing me by placing my hand on her body.  She was rubbing her body on mine. I didn't want to hit her but she was crossing it. I couldn't tolerate this anymore. I slapped her. And throw her away. Than she start crying.
My mother came into my room and she saw her crying , she wanted to say something but she didn't said a word and go into the hall. Mom tell everyone to go out, she refused the girl she choosed. She tell them to go. Tell my sister to call me. Sister came to inform me that mom is calling you both into hall. When I go there mom and dad were waiting for us to come. As we reach there mom straightly ask Sonal - "Do you want to marry him? " 
"Yes" Sonal said it, she was actually happy. I can see the spark in her eyes.
Than mom asked me - Do you?"
"No" I was actually pissed off because of her possessive behavior so I said that. 
She listen that. And She left my home and me too.

It's been 2 years now. After she left I realise how much we love to each other. We're actually more then best friends. I tried to contact her but I found nothing. She was gone from my life. And I'm still searching for her. I haven't slept from 2 years because my eyes are still waiting for her to come back.

*2 Years Later* 
I was at a party over one of my friends house. I saw her. "Sonal", my best friend. She was looking happy, like so much happy, her laughter was looks like the life of a group where she was talking there with some of her friends. Than I saw a boy is holding her into his arm. I got jealous, how can anyone is touching like that. But I controlled myself. And I asked my friend about Sonal, he didn't know about me and Sonal.
"Who's she? laughing in that group." I signal at her.
"She is my elder sister's colleague." he was very busy so he couldn't said more about her.

When that boy leave her, she was sitting in a corner and drinking cold drink. I went there to meet her as I say "Hi" from behind her. She got the idea who's there.
"Amaan , don't say a word please. Leave me alone. I don't wanna see you face" she didn't even turn back to me. 
"But why?" I was curious to see her, to talk her. Because right after she left. I haven't have any girl in my life nor friends neither girlfriend.
"Because If I saw your face, I won't control myself to hug you. You didn't know about the spark ignited in my heart after seeing you. And I know I still have some place for you in my heart. I'm not that stoned , atleast not yet. But I don't wanna do that. I'm in a relationship Amaan. And I don't want to cheat on my partner over my bad past. So go please." She was angry on me. 
"But Sonal , listen to me. You don't know how I'm living after you left me. I left the home too on the very next day. I haven't talked my parents from 2 years. I left my job too. I was gone into depression. As in still I'm. I just wanted you back into my life. When you were not there ,I realised how much care and love I lost. I really missed you " I was begging her.
"I'm in a relationship Amaan. I don't want anyone anymore in my life. So please leave me alone." somehow She was controlling her emotions.
"But atleast look at me Sonal, for once" I again try to convince her. But she refused to see my face. And after every sentence she was saying that she is a relationship. So I got angry about that. But I was feeling more embarrassment about rejection. She didn't even want to see my face at all. And I'm ruining my life for her. She don't care about me at all. 

Now I'm writing this right after meeting her. Yes today is the day I saw her for the last time. She don't want to see me. and I'm promising that She won't even see me in future. You know it hurts more when You wait them to come for long time and when they meet , they just say a word " Leave". But I have something that is going to be in my heart and replace her into it "A BULLET".


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