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  ©2016 SOHRAB AMAAN           

                 Title - "INCOMPLETE LOVE"

We are having argument over the child, the only girl we have. We are argumenting about who will take the child custody after the divorce. Both are shouting and Azraa is crying there after seeing us both in that situation. She is 5 years old but she knew that why we are fighting with each other.

Yes, we are getting divorce. Because We can't tolerate each other anymore. Its high time, we are having lots of work load and time & mood management isn't so good between us. Actually We don't want to make it good. Her talks irritates me and I hope mine will have irritate her too. Actually I'm sure about it. She want success more than me and Azraa. She want us to moved into  another city. But that's not possible. Azraa have running school schedule and I hv a way better job for securing her future. But Aisha want us to leave everything and go with her. Just because she got the job of a manager at one of her company's office.

"Riyan why don't you understand?, we will make Azraa future better there and you'll get another job for yourself too" She is repeating the same question again and again.
"I get sick of this Aisha, why don't you - understand?, She have schedule and me too. I have to work on my running project, I can't leave it in between when there is no one to handle that." I'm still trying to explain this thing again same as I did it before.
"You're talking like whole company is dependent on you, you're just a part of it, not a CEO of the company."  She shout again.
"There is a thing called responsibility. which has no place in your mind. You just want to leave everything and go. but I'm sorry I can't go" I'm too fade up now for all these arguments.
"Thn let Azraa go with me. She will have better future with me." Aisha says to Me.
"But she will loose her present. You won't give her enough time. You won't be good mother Aisha." I still try to convince her, to do not leave the place.
"I'll be a better mother for her, atleast I'll provide her a better future thn you can't even imagine." Again Aisha shout on me.
I slapped her. That is the last time I touch her.

She already filed divorce for us. I think It was a problem to solve out. But she choose to leave me for life. Afterall her boss is richer and well settled thn me. She is going to marry him soon. it's just a thought but somewhere it's gonna be true.

Today we got the divorce. And the court gave custody of Azraa to Aisha. Because she have well stelled job thn me. And the judge told me that she is her mother and mother feel more pain of being a daughter. How rude! means dad is only required thing at the time of making a baby. After that he doesn't even feel the pain of her daughter. How shame !But I couldn't argue with the judge. Aisha use the best lawer of the city to bring me down. She Won and I lost her, my daughter and case too.

*10 years later* 
It's Azra's birthday. I'm so excited to meet her. Its the first time after getting divorce when I'll meet my daughter. Some how I convince Aisha to meet Azraa on her 15th birthday. But Aisha gave me only 1 hour permission to meet her or if I try to make that time more extend she'll file a case of humiliating her daughter. I agreed on this. I just wanted to meet my daughter.

I was waiting for Aisha and Azraa to come at a restaurant. I dressed myself to look all classy for my daughter but from somewhere my broken image is trying to eat the classy look. Yes I'm broke as hell now. It's not that as the judge said but It was to hard to live without Aisha and Azraa all these years. I left my job on the next year and start writing for a website, that wasn't enough to give me money to fulfil my dream but I can easily fullfil my daily need. I don't even try to get another job for me. All these years were biting me for letting Azraa go with her mother. well that's enough for now. Now I'm going to meet Azraa , one of the best day in these 10 years.

But it's been 8 pm. I'm waiting for her from 1 hour. So I decide to call Aisha why is it taking so long to come.
"Where are you Aisha? Where is Azraa? Are you both coming or not? " I called her for the confirmation.
"Sorry Riyan, I'm a bit busy So I told Azraa to meet you. Isn't she reach there? It's been almost 1 hour she got away from here." She was too busy with her schedule as her voice was defining it more clearly.
"Where she used to hang out with friends?" I asked her so I can go there and search for her.
"There is a club on 56th street, there is only one club on that street. You should go there to find her. And I'll talk to you later. I have to go. It's an important meeting." She hang up without even listen to me.

So I decide to go in that club. As I reached there and what I see there, that was so shocking for me. I didn't want my daughter to behave like this. She was all drunk and A boy was trying to kiss her. I slapped him and hold Azraa in my arms. My eyes got teary, what she did to my daughter. She was so drunk, she couldn't even recognized me that I'm her father. I'm going home now. Aisha will have to answer me for letting Azraa keep to her.

Next morning Aisha call me " Is Azraa there? with you? " her voice isn't look tensed. Looks like it's normal to lost her daughter for one night.
"Yes , she is with me. And Aisha I won't let you keep her anymore. She was all drunk and A boy was trying to kiss her when I got there. Did I let my daughter go with you for this day? is it your way of taking care of your daughter Aisha?" I was shouting on the phone. So Azraa get up. She came to door of the bedroom. I was talking to Aisha at the hall. Azraa came and Hugged me so tightly "I Missed you dad" and she start crying. I hang up the call. and Hold her.

Right after 2 hour Aisha is at my door. It takes 1 hour to reach at my place from hers. But she took 2 hour afterall She have schedule first before daughter.  As she reach here , I told Azraa to take bath so I can talk with Aisha about Azraa.

"Aisha, you better start explaining it now." I asked her to give her explanation for letting Azraa go to club everyday.
"Riyan, She is young now. She can choose what she wanted to do. I can't chain her" She gave me the bullshit excuse.
"I know her better and In one night I understand her more better thn you. She don't want any of these kinda club and party. She want time. She want love from you, her so called mother who is too busy to make her future or who is too busy in ruining her present." I was go angry so I slapped Aisha. She start crying.

"You should've slap me before Riyan. It's too late to slap me. I raised my daughter wrong." And she hugged me. All my anger are melt now. just Like before we used to do.

I still remember the day when we were in a relationship and We were at my flat and were fighting over getting marriage.
"Riyan, why do you want to get married now? why can't we  give more time to our relationship. I want to be settle well before getting married" She was shouting on me.
"Babu You will get setlle after marriage too, I promise that our marriage won't affect your way to be a successful person. I don't want to meet like this. I want you for all my life." I tried to explain my love to her just like I used to on daily basis.
"But Riyan why don't you understand? , I want to give our child a better future. Only your job won't give them expensive stuff. So I want to achieve more so our child won't crave for anything. We'll provide them what they will want." She was too curious to make her career that time.
I hugged her to tightly.
"Baby we'll provide them better future for sure. I want to get married. I want to give a name to our relationship, that's all I want." I hold more softly.

Her anger were all melt, just Like I said We used to melt into each others arms. But she was still crying to I hold her face in my plams and kissed her forehead. "Baby I'm here nah, I'll be here right beside to you, you don't hv to worry" I want her to believe on me.
"Ahh Ok, but promise me you'll never leave me at any cost." She asked me to do the thing I was waiting for.
"I Promise. Now can I get a kiss?" I wanted to light up her mood.
"Shutup" She start blushing. So I pressed my lips onto her and she did the same. That was the best moment I still remember.

Azraa came and see that we both are kissing. Don't when I pressed my lips onto her while remembering the past time.
"Dad, You should kiss mom before so she did not left you" she laughed at both of us.
We got seprate. Azraa Hugged us both.
"I wanna tell a secret to both of you" Azraa was so excited to tell the thing. She can't even wait for us to say "yes".
"I create this drama to see you both together. I knew that after seeing me drunk Dad will talk to mom like the same way, He will shout again on Mom and mom won't say a word for her mistake. And Dad, mom missed you on daily basis but She didn't hv enough guts to face your anger again. She used to stare at your old photos for hours. I want you to back into my and mom's life too. I don't drink or do drug Dad. And that boy you met yesterday outside the club. He is my best friend. He did all this for me. I asked him to do that."  We both hugged Azraa to bring back our incomplete love back.


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