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I'm writing this as my confession letter to whomever want only success and ignore the most valuable person of their life. It can be consider as my suicide note because now it is going to be more hard to bear this pain , pain of holding regret for too long , pain of holding a screamer into my stomach, pain of holding a suicide murder. Yes it was MURDER.

"I was complete broke at that time emotionally and financially too. One day i was standing in front of my room, finding the right key. I saw a girl coming from the steps, a complete stranger to me
"Do you want something???" i asked her because she was looking at me with giggle on. Damn she was 😍 a beauty who has a class and I was like a broken millionaire.
"No, I don't want anything. Actually I hv something you need" she said waveing her hand towards my eyes because i was stareing at her like a child look to the ice cream on his fav. ice cream parlour.
And as she says i hv something you need i was wishing her next sentence will be "Me".
"What?? did i lost something???" I start searchings my pockets
"Your keys ,I found these on the ground floor" she said
"oohhhh thank you so muccchhhhh , and stupid me searching here into wrong keys" I thanked her in a very gentle way
she was impressed cuz I kissed her hand for giving a thanks too her.
"So are you new here???" I asked
"Yes, completely" she said
I saw that she was holding a book that show temptation image on it's cover page so I thought of using that as topic for a talk
"What is this????" i asked her about the book
she started blushing and hand me the book so I can look easily what is all about.
It was all about the true love but sex was necessary in that for holding your true love attached to you.
"ummmm seems you are searching for a sex partner or a true love" I said it funnily
"Obviously True love who would be my sex partner cuz a monster inside me is trying to eat so I want it happen fast as soon as possible" she finished it one line with looking down
"Is there any problem, if it start happening from now" I start my gentle way to remove her shyness.
"What???" she looked at me surprisingly
I just hold her face and out my lips onto her ,the book fell down on the ground in between our feet.
             I pushed my door hardly and start kissing bher more badly , desperately. I was doing that because I wasn't with any girl from the past 6 months and she was doing that because she want to find her true love into me. I don't know what impressed her more , my thanking way or my messy look like broken millionaire.
She pushed me hardly to the wall and make her hands as my handcuff and continue her kiss.
ummmm she was just so tasty like a butterscotch ice cream. she start unbuttoning my shirt and rubbing her hand all over my body from neck to navel. ummmmm I can feel the same temptation now. thn she start unbuttoning my jeans .....It was too fast for me too as the first time with a complete stranger. But I was enjoying the moment and feeling the feeling of finding her True love as a sex partner.
we made a hard sexual relationship that evening , sorry that night.. We were doing that all night.
After that our relationship start. but All i want is success that time cuz actually I hate to stand in crowd for someone, I want to be that center of attraction of public. I want to start my business so I was trying hardly but my luck was not with me.
                      One day a bussiness offer came to me for that I hv to go out of country. I was happy as hell cuz my one and only dream was going to be True , I was just a step behind from my dream , I was excited cuz there was a problem I hv to go alone . I was not allowed to go with anyone , can't even with "Aisha" My love , my sexual partner as my true love.  Yes, I was in love with her too after spending some months with her.
     I came to my room and yelled "Baby, I got a offer, I did it finally , my dream is gonna be true, I'll the complete millionaire one day after that , cuz I don't wanna look like broken millionaire anymore"

One week after that I was packing my beg for going to chase my dream and i didn't want any trouble with us , yes between me and my dream.
Aisha came and said "AMAAN"
I was stunned cuz I wasn't allowed to go with anyone else except me, I hold my breath and hold her hand tightly and running to door
"ARE YOU SURE, IT'S MINE????" I know that it was mine but as i said before i didn't want any trouble to happen at that time so i asked this to her.
She didn't said anything as I know that she will completely broke after this but it's about dream. She run away from there and I packed my beg and left the country on the next hour.
                  Next day I read in a news article that a  pregnant girl commit suicide.

-After 10 years
I'm a millionaire now, a big house, cars , party, company outcome is my things now but i stil live alone cuz after that incident i didn't any relationship with anyone not as a sexual partner.
One day I came to my house and washing my inner regret in shower , I'm doing this from the past 10 years, I listen a voice "Dad"
I ignored it for the first time but on the same time next day the voice came "Dad".
Suddenly I start feeling someone into my stomach
i remove my shirt and look there are mark of hands onto my stomach.
I was completely scared, I run for the shower but the mark was still there, I washed hardly the mark was gone, I threw myself to bed and fell as asleep.
next morning the same came "Good morning Dad"
It was winter season and I was all melt from the heat of scarceness.
one day when that voice came "Dad" , i scream hardly as I can "WHO ARE YOU????"
and the voice was gone after that.
  That night I couldn't sleep , not even for 1 minute.
The very last night I was sleeping thn that voice came "DAD"
"FROM Where are you talking??"
And I start feeling something heavy into my stomach just like a pregnant lady feel nd voice of screaming him loud was coming from inside and my stomch was showing that someone is wanna come out from it.
from last night to this night I'm feeling the same as pregnant lady , the pain of giving birth to a child, the pain of holding a heavy weight into my stomch, the pain of holding a screamer. i could not bear this anymore so I'm giving my self the same treatment as my true love did to her. "A SUICIDE"


                            Written by - SOHRAB AMAAN


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