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"Baby see this" she hand me a picture ,a collage of both of us in it.
"It's beautiful babu, but listen I need to do my work, I don't want any disturbance, will you please be calm for some time???" I asked her gently with a kiss on her forehead.
Suddenly she start crying , her tears was rolling down on her chicks like the water drops make their way down from the leafs of a banana tree. Once I thought of letting her cry because she was looking beautiful more thn other days with tears on her red chocked chicks and with wet black eyes.
As she start stareing me like a little girl looks to his father when she need something. I left my work and hug her tightly, stop her tears from rolling down. How could I saw her crying I mean how someone will let something down to the ground if they will want that thing on the top of their hope. She was like a hope for me.
You may be wondering why I'm using was for her cuz she is gone now, gone from life ,gone from world Yes she Died.
This incident was from the 1st part of love type relationship , that time i was ok ,not just ok awesome.
                    Part 1 - Other Side of the City
Today it was my interview ,placed to the other side of the city from my place and I was waiting for the bus. A girl came to bus stop and asked "Are you having an interview???"
I gave her surprisingly look winding my eyes and making a big O with my lips "How do you know???"
She giggled " your looks giving me all of the hints that you're going for an interview , a well pressed plane shirt with neat color , having cuff locked and a tie up to neck tighten as it will be your reason of death over a clean brighter black pants"
I wanted more explanation of that cuz she was doing it all beautifully with waving her hands and hazel eye's eyebrows.
She was looking damn beautiful. but I could stop myself from asking "But that look giving me look of rich man ,what if I'm rich as well and you hv explained all that things wrong."
She laughed with high tone and that made me feel low for the interview morning "If you were hv enough money to be a rich man thn why were you waiting here for fucking bus" and she again start laughing.
Thn a AUDI A8 comes towards to the bus stop and driver from the car comes fastly to the girl and said "Sorry Ma'am! It was huge tarffic on the other side of the city, sorry for letting you wait ! Ma'am you dont hv to take the bus please or I'll be fired today ! forgive me and please come into the car" The driver said it very tensely cuz he doesn't want to be fired today and it wasn't actually his fault , our city can be called the most traffic city in the country. That's the most and worst disadvantage living into this city.
But the city has it's charm on the top, large building, classy restaurant, beautiful park and the most important Beautiful Ladies. 
And wait was over , my bus to my destination came and somehow I managed to get into it cuz it seemed like It has all crowd of the city with itself.
"A Ticket to the other side of the city, please" you may be wondering why I didn't named a place for the ticket and say other side of the city for a ticket because all we "we citizen of the city" called it "other side of the city" cuz it has all dreamy looks of the city. so everyone already hv known about that name.
ummmmm well, I'm explaining worthlessly here , as I take my ticket and step behind from the bus conductor ,my foot was on a girl feet.
"Oouccchh, you fucking idiot " , watch yourself you last specie of a rich family. DON'T you know how you should hv to stand in a bus. Why are you in a bus??? she said it frankly with a angry look
A messy mind girl with messy hair having a toned shape nose, big eyes ,toned eyebrows but all wet from the heat producing into the bus cuz of crowd. I give a mercy look and said " I'm not the last specie of a rich family , I'm having an interview that's why I'm dressing like it"
"oppppss sorry sorry sorry, i thought that u r rich cuz you are looking so damn Hot into this look" she pinched a compliment on me
"Thank you" I thanked her cuz that compliment just gives me a positive attitude towards my look and Now I'm looking more confident from the last moment I talked that rich lady.
Two couple step out of their seat so we both catch that fastly , "Slow down boy" she giggled
"I don't like the slow thing, driver drive it fast please" I yelled and laughed
"You're making your rich image down" she gave me a order to sit properly
"But you look messy so I thought you'd like it"
"Ofcourse I do , but this doesn't suit on the man dressed like you"
"Like me ,Like too damn hot" I laughed
"Yea too damn hot" she laughed with me. " So where is your interview placed" she asked
" other side of the city" I said
"Ummmmm , i don't like that name of the other side , that is what makes me hating rich people so hard ,I don't know why, But I hate that name" She said with having some anger for rich people.
On the next stop " My stop ,here is my class , we'll meet soon if your destiny will make it happen" she step out from the seat and start making her way to the door of bus into the crowd of the large city.
She steped out from the bus and wave hand towards me "Bye ,you last specie of a rich family" she laughed so hardly
"Bye, hater of everyone"I punched the same tount.
I was stalking with my eyes untill thn she gone into the other crowd of the city , student crowd, the most happening thing into the life.
                              (To be continue.......)
                            Written By - SOHRAB AMAAN


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